Monday, April 15, 2013

Extreme Fat Smash Diet Update - Week 2

Happy Monday, friends! :)

My update on week 2 of the Extreme Fat Smash Diet will be extremely disappointing to you all - as it has been for me.

Some of you may have witnessed me eating a tri-tip sandwich on Wednesday and chicken and waffles on Friday. On top of that, I also spent the weekend with my parents.

In my defense, eating with my parents is not a situation where I have a choice. (I have no defense for the tri-tip sandwich and chicken and waffles). Also, when you're celebrating Grandma's birthday at a traditional Chinese restaurant where the table is filled with delicious, high flavored and oily dishes - you simply can't deny more than one serving of food. I plead no control of Saturday (and Monday, and Wednesday, and Friday, and Sunday).

Here's a visual from my myfitnesspal app:

I am sorry to disappoint you all, but I am only human and have a true weakness for food. This is a great reminder that your diet is entirely responsible for your weight loss and weight gain. Also note, that I did 60+ minutes of cardio Monday through Saturday this week, and weighed in this morning with a loss of: 1 pound. 

Reflecting on last week and planning for this upcoming week, I've decided to repeat week 2, since I clearly did not successfully follow the diet. I'm hoping repeating this week will get me back on track for the 3 week program. It's never too late, right?

On another note, I've discovered lifting weights and am a fan of feeling stronger in the areas I've worked on :) So, as long as I continue to keep my manly confidence up (to make it to the other side of my gym where only men hang out), I'm hoping to be toned and lean! :)

See photos of my daily meal plans on my instagram, @electriceunice :)

Here's to a repeat of week 2!



  1. calorie counting and dieting is way hard! a few weeks ago, i was keeping track of my calories but i got lazy... and started eating poorly again haha!! at least i am still working out!!

    Sandy a la Mode

  2. Totally rooting for you, love! There is nothing wrong with indulging in deliciousness with your family, especially for your grandma's birthday. I know how it is with Asian families also, they get a little offended when you don't eat haha. Something I noticed that really toned me up was cutting sugar out of my diet. I did it to clear my skin (which it did), but it toned me up also! I cut out simple sugar obviously, candy, sweets, cake (super hard) AND I cut out complex carbs such as rice, pasta (also hard!)

    Keep us posted on your process, pretty girl! xoxo


I would love to hear from you, so please feel free to leave any comments, questions, and suggestions! Or just a little love. Love is nice too :)

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